Newsletter Archive                    

2023 2023/2024
Winter 2023 Fall/Winter 23/24
Spring/Summer 2023 Spring/Summer 2024

Click here to go to 2020 to 2022  Newsletter Archive

The content of these newsletters is intended for clients of Joe McDonald only. Not intended for public use.

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Spring/Summer 2024

In This Issue

HP Printer News  

Apple/Mac News & Tips

Joe's Hours 
Mon to Fri - 9am to 5pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday  

No Text Services

One Launch Fake browser

Windows News

Upcoming Holidays/closures:   

Labor Day/Closed Monday, Sept 2nd.


Newsletter Past Issues 

 Computer Classes

CTRL + ALT + Delete  





If you are getting this pop up notification please click on the Accept permissions button. This program is keeping everyone safe on the Internet, I highly recommend it.

If there is an important message that I need to share with you, it will appear in the Breaking News Section of the newsletter.  


If you are thinking of buying a new printer, there is an important detail to be aware of in reference to HP Printers. They are now promoting an All-In Plan that is a 2 year contract with HP to agree to buy ink for your new printer from them only. The contract only applies to 3 models: HP Envy ($7/mn, $84/yr), HP Envy Inspire ($9/mn, $108/yr), and the HP Officejet Pro ($13/mn, $156/yr). This contract will include new ink when needed, (you must allow HP to "watch" how much ink you use) and phone support (from India?) when you have printer issues.

For the record I am not a fan of the HP Instant Ink plans. The biggest issue I experienced is when the HP Print Server (HP watching your ink usage) is offline. Then you are not allowed to print anything. Another words, if HP cannot watch you, then they will not allow you to print. The error on the printer will indicate the Instant Ink is offline. The only difference with this plan is they are offering 24 hour phone support, which makes a big difference when an offline print server issue occurs. So I will wait and see if this new contract works. In the past, you could cancel at any time with no penalty. Now, there is a penalty for canceling after 30 days to 12 months. It ranges from $120 to $270. Between 12 months and 24 months its a $60 to $135 cancellation fee. So before you choose this option, make sure you are ready to commit to a 2 year contract.

Lately, I have been recommending Epson printers because HP printers are so difficult to setup. If you want to buy your own ink, it is very difficult to Opt out of Instant Ink promo. They ask you to click over 12 times to confirm you want to Opt out. They came across as desperate to get your credit card number. 

Click here for more information:


The bad guys have purchased every common keyword, and pay extra to search engines so they appear on the top of the lists. So when you type "how to change a light bulb," the first few answers may be fake. When you click on the website, instead of a good answer you get a prompt to install One Launch. This is a fake Internet browser that then pops up every time you turn on your computer. Sometimes this crazy bar appears at the top with a "Search the Web" window, and a bunch of icons that look real, but may lead to fake websites that will steal your User name and Password. If this pops up on your computer, please contact me for instructions on how to remove it. It does not need administration rights to install, so it will install without approval.



I receive a call once a day from clients who have a message link, like the one below on their computer screens. By using CTRL + ALT + Delete, and then click on Sign out, still works on Microsoft PC computers. On Apple computers, use the Force Quit option from the Apple menu to close this fake window. Never call any numbers that appear on your screen. It will only lead to scammers draining your savings accounts. If you cannot get this message off your screen, call me for help.

Windows News and Tips

Special Note for Windows 10 Users: The official deadline is Oct 2025.  In the Summer of 2025, Microsoft will start its campaign with blue screen pop ups alerting users of the end of service for Windows 10. Ninety percent of the World is using Windows 10, so with supply and demand issues, the price of computers will skyrocket. This time next year, I will be contacting my clients who are still using Windows 10 to come up with a plan to replace our computers before the price hike. So we have time, and will wait until this time next year.


Microsoft is one of the big companies that are pushing AI (Artificial Intelligence) features into their operating system and Internet browser. I have tested these new features, and some of them are pretty cool. Microsoft calls it Cocreator.  You activate it with a click on the top toolbar in Microsoft Paint on Windows 11 computers. The way it works is, you use your imagination and type the image you want created. So in my testing of this new feature, I typed "two dogs shaking hands wearing baseball caps." Then the picture below appeared on my computer screen. The program gives you 50 "tries" for free, then they ask you to purchase a monthly subscription for $20. The downside is it may kill creativity. People who may have taken hours to create this type of picture freehand now are no longer needed.

The other new feature is call Copilot.  It has been added to the Microsoft Edge browser, but this one works in both Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems. To activate it, open Microsoft Edge browser, then click on the blue/green icon in the top right . A box will open (see below) with a window for you to type into. To test it, I typed in "how to make an apple pie" and then text appeared in the window listing the Ingredients, then the Instructions. At the bottom were 3 links to Youtube for video instructions. Normally we would type in our question into a website like Yahoo or AOL, then we would get a list of other sites to visit for this information. This method gives us what we want without having to research it. Note that school teachers are worried about this new technology, because the students no longer have to "think" for themselves. They will just let AI do all the work.


 Apple/Mac News and Tips    

June 2024 new iPads to be released. Click here for the latest news -

In December 2023, I purchased the iPad 10th generation. I have been using it every day since I took it out of the box. Rumor is that only the iPad Pro and iPad Air will release new versions in 2024. They will be using the M3 CPU Chip, and a better OLED screen. Note: when a new version is released, the current version will see a price cut, so keep an eye out for big sales on iPad Air's.



Computer and Tech Classes  



The classes will be for Trilogy Residents only.  Space is limited. Classes resume in the Fall of 2024. Topics to come.

For more information, please contact Joe McDonald 




Click on the NO or Cancel Button - Reminder!


Please click the "NO" button on the PC, and the "Cancel" button on the Apple/Mac to stay safe.  It is safe to click on the "Yes" or "OK" button in the Admin Account (if you are doing your own maintenance). If you have any questions, please contact me.

Newsletter Archive  

Click here to view previous issues 

Note: The content of this newsletter is intended for clients of Joe McDonald only. Not intended for public use.


Website Links:

Computer Tips:
If you do not want to do your own computer maintenance, I can visit you, and take care of it for you on an annual or semi-annual basis. Please contact me for more information. Call  352-449-8561. Remote visits available.




Fall/Winter 23/24

In This Issue

In Active email issues  

Apple/Mac News & Tips

Joe's Hours 
Mon to Fri - 9am to 5pm
Sat - 9am - 3pm            Closed Sundays - no text


MS Mail migrating to Outlook App   

Windows News

Upcoming Holidays: 

 Thanksgiving - Closed Thursday, Nov 23rd; Friday Nov 24th; Saturday, Nov 25th.

Newsletter Past Issues 

 Computer Classes

CTRL + ALT + Delete  

Christmas - Closed Sat Dec 23rd; Mon Dec 25th; Tues Dec 26th.

New Years - Closed Sat Dec 30th; Mon Jan 1st; Tues Jan 2nd.


If there is an important message that I need to share with you, it will appear in the Breaking News Section of the newsletter.  


When you use an email program like Thunderbird or Outlook with Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail/MSN you are not logging into the company website. So in theory, your account is inactive. To safeguard your email accounts, you now have to create activity once a year. 

To do this, go to,, or, and click on the email link on the website. Sign into the website with your email address, and email password, then your webmail loads. Compose an email and send it to yourself. This establishes "activity", then you are all set for another year. Just close the browser, and make a note to do this once a year, or when you get an email from your email vendor about inactivity. Note that Apple email program may also trigger inactivity on Apple devices. 

This is the message Gmail users received: "Therefore, we are updating the inactivity period for a Google Account to two years across all our products and services. This change starts rolling out today and will apply to any Google Account that’s been inactive, meaning it has not been signed into or used within a two-year period. An inactive account and any content in it will be eligible for deletion from December 1, 2023".  

Microsoft Mail: If this is what your email app looks like on your Windows PC computer, then you may see some changes this Fall 2023. 













There are two types of email: Webmail enables you to view your email on a computer using Edge, Google Chrome, or Firefox Internet browsers on a Windows PC.  The other type is referred to as Desktop email. Programs like Outlook, Thunderbird or Microsoft Mail is used to get a copy of your email. Microsoft Outlook is included in some paid versions of Microsoft Office suites. For many years Microsoft Mail was a free, built in option. Below is what the new program will look like.

The layout matches that used by Outlook on the website, and you now have links to a free version of Word, Excel and Powerpoint on the left side of window. The change will come though a Windows Update which will be automatically installed. You can use this app with all email providers, AOL, Yahoo, Comcast, Spectrum, etc. I still prefer the Thunderbird Desktop email program that allows me to view my email without seeing ads.


I receive a call once a day from clients who have a message link, like the one below on their computer screens. By using CTRL + ALT + Delete, and then sign out, still works on Microsoft PC computers. On Apple computers, use the Force Quit option from the Apple menu to close this fake window. Never call any numbers that appear on your screen. It will only lead to scammers draining your savings accounts. If you cannot get this message off your screen, call me for help.

Windows News and Tips

Windows 10 Retires in 2025. Now there are rumors that Windows 12 will be released at the same time. So for Windows 10 users, this may give them the option to skip Windows 11, and buy a new computer with Windows 12 instead. 

When Windows 11 was created, Microsoft was dealing with a remote workforce do to Covid-19 restrictions. So the workers used Windows 10 as the starting point, then dropped some features to give the illusion of a "new" operating system. Over the past two years they have restored some of those features. For this reason, I am still recommending most Windows 10 users to wait on upgrading their computers to Windows 11, if they are compatible. Looks like you may have an new option to skip 11.

Also, new this Fall will be Windows 11 23H2 Feature Update. Windows 10 users will not be getting this update. Some of the features include a program called Copilot, which will work like Siri does on the Mac computer, perform voice activated tasks. There are rumors that it will be using Artificial Intelligence to perform some of these tasks. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment. This update will also include a new look of folders and fonts. A new Photos Gallery will also gives us a new look when we view  the photos on our computer. The Feature update will be released as an Optional Update (manual not automatic) the first few months. I recommend not installing it until January 2024 when most of the bugs are worked out.

 Apple/Mac News and Tips    

 MacOS 14 Sonoma - Coming Fall 2023

Below will be the Mac requirements to upgrade. 

I recommend waiting to install this update until most of the bugs are removed. It should be ready by December 2023. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Computer and Tech Classes  



The classes will be for Trilogy Residents only.  Space is limited. We will be revisiting the Photography class using smart phones and tablets. This time I will be teaching separate classes, one on Android devices and one on Apple. Wednesday, October 4th at 10am will be the Android Photo Class. We will be reviewing the features available, and then do a deep dive on 5 of the options. On Wednesday November 1st, will be the day to bring your Apple devices. Registration dates and class times to come.

For more information, please contact Joe McDonald 




Click on the NO or Cancel Button - Reminder!


Please click the "NO" button on the PC, and the "Cancel" button on the Apple/Mac to stay safe.  It is safe to click on the "Yes" or "OK" button in the Admin Account (if you are doing your own maintenance). If you have any questions, please contact me.

Newsletter Archive  

Click here to view previous issues 

Note: The content of this newsletter is intended for clients of Joe McDonald only. Not intended for public use.


Website Links:

Computer Tips:
If you do not want to do your own computer maintenance, I can visit you, and take care of it for you on an annual or semi-annual basis. Please contact me for more information. Call  352-449-8561. Remote visits available.




Spring/Summer 2023

In This Issue

  Suggested ads

Apple/Mac News & Tips

Joe's Hours 
Mon to Fri - 9am to 5pm
Sat - 9am - 3pm            Closed Sundays - no text

CTRL + ALT + Delete  

   Send me your Pics

Windows News

Upcoming Holidays: 

 Easter - Closed Monday, April 10th

Newsletter Past Issues 

Spam Attack

 Computer Classes




If there is an important message that I need to share with you, it will appear in the Breaking News Section of the newsletter.  


Microsoft is up to their old tricks again. Soon it may happen to you if you have any of the 3 items checked in your Settings window. They are turned on by default and you have to be a detective to find them, especially in Windows 11. 

The word Suggest, suggested or suggestions means that when turned on, you are OK with Microsoft promoting products and services. When I setup a Windows computer I turn these options off.


Below are suggested products that popped on me while I was working on a computer recently. There was no X in the top right to close the window, and if you click on the wrong choice, a window appears for you to type in your credit card number. To avoid these types of ads, search for Notifications in Windows Settings, and make sure the Suggest options are un-checked.


Wanted: Pictures of Joe's Clients for his address book. When you are on a job interview one of the questions they ask is: " what is one of your weaknesses", which trips up everyone. One of my weaknesses is I can not remember peoples names. It happens every week when shopping at Publix, BJ's, Walmart or visiting a local restaurant, I bump into you, say hello but I have no idea who you are. To help me with my memory issues, I am asking my clients to email me a photo of themselves so that I can add your photo to my address book.

The Spam emails are flowing into everyone's inboxes. Some are very creative, yet 99.9% are fake and should be marked as Spam, then deleted. NEVER call a phone number in an email! If you are not sure about an email, please forward it to me first and ask me if its real or fake. Your bank is not going to email you to say that there is a problem.  They will most likely call you first. When in  doubt, always contact the business directly. If its from FedEx, call FedEx. If its from Walmart, call Walmart direct. The email below is very common right now, and its 100% fake. Apple owns iCloud and if your iCloud account is full, they will notify you on your iPhone, iPad or computer notification section. They will not email you!


I receive a call once a day from clients who have a message link, like the one below on their computer screens. By using CTRL + ALT + Delete, and then sign out, still works on Microsoft PC computers. On Apple computers, use the Force Quit option from the Apple menu to close this fake window. Never call any numbers that appear on your screen. It will only lead to scammers draining your savings accounts. If you cannot get this message off your screen, call me for help.

Windows News and Tips

Most Microsoft PC computers are not compatible with Windows 11, so in September 2025 those users will get a blue screen that pops up when they turn on their computers. The screen will declare that the operating system will expire soon, and the user must purchase a new computer. Only a few computers purchased after 2021 are eligible for the upgrade to Windows 11.

So the good news is Microsoft has extended Windows 10 support by 10 months.  Originally it was set to expire January 14th 2025. That will give everyone more time to search for the right computer. 

Two years from now in the Spring of 2025, I will be contacting my clients who are running Windows 10 to discuss their options. Remember, I offer a free service that I nicknamed "Rent-A-Geek". I do the research for you, and then email you with my suggestions and links to the store for you to purchase the computer from. You purchase the computer, and when it arrives, you call me for an appointment to have me set it up the right way. Most importantly - please leave it in the sealed box.

Click here for more details about Microsoft Lifecycle Policy


 Apple/Mac News and Tips    


Apple was afraid! For years Microsoft PC's have had touch screens on their computers, but Apple did not. They were afraid that their users would stop buying iPads.  MacBook laptops with touch would be too much temptation. 

Below is what the Touch Bar on a MacBook looks like. It changes each time you open a different item on your computer. Open Safari, and you get options related to the Internet. Open iTunes, and you get options to touch to play music. As you touch the Touch Bar, it shows that action on your screen. 

I have been reading about a new MacBook to be released soon with a touch screen, but could not find a release date yet. I am sure they are keeping it secret, or maybe they are afraid...


Computer and Tech Classes  



The classes will be for Trilogy Residents only.  Space is limited. Next class Fall 2023, details to be announced. 

For more information, please contact Joe McDonald 




Click on the NO or Cancel Button - Reminder!


Please click the "NO" button on the PC, and the "Cancel" button on the Apple/Mac to stay safe.  It is safe to click on the "Yes" or "OK" button in the Admin Account (if you are doing your own maintenance). If you have any questions, please contact me.

Newsletter Archive  

Click here to view previous issues 

Note: The content of this newsletter is intended for clients of Joe McDonald only. Not intended for public use.


Website Links:

Computer Tips:
If you do not want to do your own computer maintenance, I can visit you, and take care of it for you on an annual or semi-annual basis. Please contact me for more information. Call  352-449-8561. Remote visits available.





Winter 2023

In This Issue

  Malwarebytes Browser Guard

Apple/Mac News & Tips

Joe's Hours 
Mon to Fri - 9am to 5pm
Sat - 9am - 3pm            Closed Sundays - no text


  Rate Increase 2023 

Windows News

Upcoming Holidays: 

Christmas Weekend: Dec 23rd to Dec 27th 

Newsletter Past Issues 

CTRL + ALT + Delete  

 Computer Classes


New Years Weekend: Dec 30th to Jan 2nd


If there is an important message that I need to share with you, it will appear in the Breaking News Section of the newsletter.  


About 2 years ago I started to add the Malwarebytes Browser Guard to most of my clients computers. Now the program is asking to update, its OK to do so.

Most of the bad stuff that I find on computers come from the Internet browsers. This amazing extension blocks 90% of that bad stuff. It can be used on both Mac and Microsoft PC computers. It is compatible with Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Firefox. It cannot be added to the Apple Safari browser. It is an ad blocker, which is a nice feature, but it also blocks website trackers from being installed. The trackers "watch" you when you visit a website, and in some cases create a profile on you. Then the website sells your profile (includes your email address) to vendors who then send you spam based on the items you look at when visiting the website. In some cases it will block the fake Microsoft pop up ad (Scams) that locks your mouse and prompts you to call a number on the screen (never call that number, call me).

Another nice feature is the Statistics tab (see below) that shows you what was blocked, and the day that the item tried to load. In the case below, Malware tried to load on December 15th, but was blocked.

Banks and other websites that use cookies to identify will not load when you use an ad blocker, so that feature must be turned off. Its easy to do: load the website (IE: your bank), then click once on the blue M in the top right, then click once on Ads/Tracks blue button to turn it off. The website will reload.  Click on the blue M to confirm, its turned off then log into your bank account, and it should load normally. If you visit a website that detects you are using an ad blocker, its up to you to decide if you want to turn it off or not. Many times I just look on the Internet for another website that has the same information, but does not mind my using an ad blocker.


For the first time in three years, my rates will increase.  The new rates will go into effect January 1st 2023. The cost of doing business has increased dramatically over the past two years between gas prices and other expenses. Thank you for your continued support of my business.


I receive a call once a day from clients who have a message link, like the one below on their computer screens. By using CTRL + ALT + Delete, and then sign out, still works on Microsoft PC computers. On Apple computers, use the Force Quit option from the Apple menu to close this fake window. Never call any numbers that appear on your screen. It will only lead to scammers draining your savings accounts. If you cannot get this message off your screen, call me for help.

Windows News and Tips

Windows 10 SP13 is now safe to install. On Windows 11 computers, it will be SP1. The official version number will be 22H2 Feature Update.

This update should install automatically when your computer is ready. But I recommend manually installing it now by clicking on the Download and Install button. Open up Settings, then click to install (see above).

On Windows 11 computers, the new update will be bringing back some of the features that were standard on Windows 10, like the icon drag and drop. On Windows 10, you can drag any desktop icon, and drop it on the bottom taskbar. In Windows 11, you get a red X when you try to drop an icon. Microsoft removed about 30% of the good stuff from Windows 10 to give the illusion of a new operating system when they released Windows 11. Now they are slowly bringing those features back.

The update tweaks other settings and improves the security in both versions of Windows. 

If you are still using Windows 10 and have the option to go to Windows 11 I recommend waiting until the end of 2023 before making the switch.


 Apple/Mac News and Tips    

 MacOS 13 Ventura - Now safe to install! Below is what the Settings window now shows a new format made to look more like your iPhone or iPad Settings window. If you have all three devices, this is one of the best changes in the new OS. It makes it easier to understand and makes changes.

These are the required specs to upgrade to this new OS. To see if your computer is able to be upgraded, click on the Apple icon on the top left of your computer screen.  Then click on "About this Mac". If your computer year is 2016 or earlier, you will not be able to upgrade.

Click here for a full list of the new features


Computer and Tech Classes  


Spring 2023 - Photography Basics using smart phones and tablets. Save the date - Wednesday, February 8th 10am.

Its more than just point and shoot.  In this class, we are going to explore the special photo editing tools that are available in our Camera apps. The screen shot above is from my Android smart phone that allows me to choose other options when taking photos. We are going to explore how to use these options to enhance our photos. This will be a hands-on class, so you must bring a smart phone or tablet so you can learn by using these special features. 

You will need to be registered to attend. Registration starts Monday, January 23rd. Registration closes when 30 attendees sign up by Friday, February 3rd. Class is limited to 30 people who pre-register. No walk-ins please. 

The classes will be for Trilogy Residents only.  Space is limited. 

For more information, please contact Joe McDonald 




Click on the NO or Cancel Button - Reminder!


Please click the "NO" button on the PC, and the "Cancel" button on the Apple/Mac to stay safe.  It is safe to click on the "Yes" or "OK" button in the Admin Account (if you are doing your own maintenance). If you have any questions, please contact me.

Newsletter Archive  

Click here to view previous issues 

Note: The content of this newsletter is intended for clients of Joe McDonald only. Not intended for public use.


Website Links:

Computer Tips:
If you do not want to do your own computer maintenance, I can visit you, and take care of it for you on an annual or semi-annual basis. Please contact me for more information. Call  352-449-8561. Remote visits available.